Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I was thinking that someday i think i might like to work and actually get paid american currency for it. Actually, any currency really. Besides scrapbooking (and believe you me- not even about to open up that can o worms. Suffice to say DOES NOT COUNT) i have not been paid for anything in over a decade. I've definitely been doing lots and lots of stuff. Just haven't been paid for any of it. Which is fine. Really. I'm just thinking it might be kinda neat TO get paid for something. That's all.
Thing is, i don't even begin to know what that might be. I'm just sayin.
(oh and that wonderful thing above is my piece from art lit this morning- inspiring no?)


Anonymous said...

I think you should sell cracked egg faced, sunny backed, septuplet carrying, sexually diverse yaks.

Ashby said...

HAHAHAHAHA that is absolutely the funniest description I have ever read. Of anything. Ever.

rachel said...

My FEMALE cebu is extremely offended at your crude and demeaning reference to her aesthetically diverse nature.

ALSO and P.S.

I forgot to mention that i got up at 6:30AM to, would you believe, sign up ella for PRESCHOOL!

Unknown said...

you could always become a professional blogger...

rachel said...

hmm...if anyone was i'm sure it would be you dear Terry. You get paid for that?
And ps to you- come play ball today

Anonymous said...

PRESCHOOL for ELLA?? That just doesn't sound right!


Unknown said...

can't play ball...hurt finger.

rachel said...

Well quit hurting yourself you fragile old geyser.