Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Takes One to Know One

Blythe: Mom, why are you still wearing your pjammies?
Me: These are sweatpants. You can wear those during the day. Ashby wears them like everyday.
Blythe: That's cause Ashby's crazy.
Blythe: And when i say crazy, i mean EVERYDAY.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Theory

I just raised my IQ test results by 25 points by making a few minor changes to my test taking environment.

-I reduced the number of children running through the test room from 4 to 1.
-I reduced the number of arguing and/or yelling children to 0.
-The test room was approximately 10-20 degrees cooler.
-I lowered the volume on Drake and Josh by a significant amount of decibels.
-I was a year older than the previous test time.

Therefore, let the record show that it has been scientifically proven that
1. Drake and Josh, at low volume levels, has no negative effect on intelligence, and conversely may even significantly increase it on occasion
2. It IS older AND wiser.

(all the above, while only a test, is absolutely 100% true-well at least everything but MAYBE my findings)

Warning! Do not attempt to view on a full stomach.

So we saw Sweeney Todd last night, and i believe i just may be sick to my stomach for a week or so...
But i DO love Johnny Depp.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

oh toto...

Today justin and i got the unique opportunity of attending a southern baptist church service. His company had done some work on their new building so we went to represent in the inaugural service.
Um...so i'm not even sure how to explain my experience. To tell you the truth, my head is still spinning. But i'll give it a try.
It was unreal. Seriously i thought to myself, "We canNOT be seriously within a half hour from downtown Portland right now" and "How did all these people find each other?" and "Wow. Are they serious?"and "huh. Soul winning on Wednesday nights. I wonder if i'd be any good at that?" and " I'd bet my lucky charms that there is not one non-republican in the room" and "it's so good to know there's a balm in gilead" and "i haven't sung this song in at least a decade or two" and "they have got this thing down to a science" which was really rather awe inspiring. No joke. A half a second MAYBE lapsed between service elements.
I was wearing an outfit that i have recently worn to a wedding, yet i was still moderately underdressed. And justin totally forgot his suit and tie (oh those construction guys, jesus love em). Also, being that i do not own hot rollers, i'm not sure i could've fit in even if i had been wearing nylons and a floral print dress.
Anyway, it was really sorta fun, the people were sure nice ( i shook a LOTTA hands) , and it was a VERY INTERESTING (and budget minded) cross-cultural experience. I fully recommend it. Seriously.

oh, and we got a free mug so win/win

Friday, January 11, 2008

8 is great!

Brainwashing the children. Look at their adorable little zombie-like faces.

Cade and his "third best friend" Nina (which by the way is SO cute i can barely keep myself composed)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I was thinking that someday i think i might like to work and actually get paid american currency for it. Actually, any currency really. Besides scrapbooking (and believe you me- not even about to open up that can o worms. Suffice to say DOES NOT COUNT) i have not been paid for anything in over a decade. I've definitely been doing lots and lots of stuff. Just haven't been paid for any of it. Which is fine. Really. I'm just thinking it might be kinda neat TO get paid for something. That's all.
Thing is, i don't even begin to know what that might be. I'm just sayin.
(oh and that wonderful thing above is my piece from art lit this morning- inspiring no?)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

My Grandpa turns 90 today. We had a bash for him yesterday which was fun but also hard. Grandpa was glad to have us all there but the loss of my grandma was hanging over him i think. She is sorely missed. Anyway...here's a few great grandkid party attendees. It's always fun to hang with the cuz's.

And here is grandpa putting his money into the lighthouse. On your birthday at their church you got to put as many pennies as you were old while they sang a special alsea baptist happy birthday song. oh, and it is supposed to light up. so it was a little anti-climactic to have ALL that money and singing without the light. oh well.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


So anyway the deal is i'm attempting to update my pics on this here blog but i absolutely do not have time to do so at the moment and they are uploading at a RIDICULOUSLY SLOW PACE. Therefore i must stop for now with a sincere promise to add more as time allows.

Look for pics under christmas and new years soon. (promise) (really. you'll be sick of looking at my family)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

So last night we had fun bringing in the new years with some cosmic bowling and then hanging with friends over at Jon's house. The kids rocked guitar hero and i fiddled with my new toy which hopefully i will have the chance to share some results soon, but anyway i have no idea what i'm doing, so right now it's just rather frustrating.
Look! I lost something!

i thought about taking the red eye out but decided against it being that it added to the overall enjoyment of the picture
i'm such a party animal

Noah rockin it
the kids playing foosball
for those of you who don't know- steph is thoroughly entertaining
my tat
it's getting late...
i'm not as young as i used to be, you know.
and for the grand finale...

Anywho, i had ONE drink the whole night,(i am a former example you know), and did not play one single game so that was kinda a bummer, but made up for that today at Sarah's. So now i am happy. (and hesitant to announce - cause i do know about pride/the fall etc.. but since i cannot help myself, i just realized that it has been over 6 months since anyone has beat me at Princes of Florence. And yes, now that i have that in print i know that it is just a matter of time).

So here i am to the point of this post.


There are so many things in life that we really aren't in control of, and yet so many we are. And though this may seem like a trivial thing to you all, it is not to me. There is a dusty Taylor sitting in my bedroom right now, and it is just a complete and total crying shame. And now that this is in print i know you will all make sure i do something about it. Right? (and i also promise to try my best at all you all's wonderful suggestions also- shout out to jeremy and ash).

Anyone else?