Thursday, November 1, 2007


Be still oh aching heart.
Quiet now and listen for that soft voice;
A sweet assurance of love that has held you, known you,
Since you were but a speck in your mother's womb.

Rest easy in a love
That walked with you through childhood days,
And persevered and guided still,
Through every season as they came.

Be still now.
Be at peace.
Be quiet and surrender to the love that you know
Will one day lead you home.


Anonymous said...

Nice job Rach! Post some more!

rachel said...

way to come out of hiding brenda! Good for you.

Anonymous said...

I love the structure of this one. At the outer edge of the words themselves, farthest from the center, are the words "known" and "know." When I've wandered toward the edge, I need to be reassured that God sees me, knows me.

And in the middle of the poem, farthest from the beginning and end, from birth and death is the word "womb." When my formation seems so distant in the foggy past that I can barely squint to remember it and Ps. 139 has collected enough dust, I can be surrounded, comforted, reassured.

When my death seems so distant in the unknown future that I become myopic and lose hope in eternity, I can be nurtured, held, as in a womb.

I hate to admit I need that but I do need to be known and held by God so I can be strong for our family, our friends, those in need, our church, etc. And I need to be strong against everything and everyone that threatens to tear us apart.

Grandma is honored by these words and anyone else who reads them carefully will be encouraged as well. Thank you, Love.



Anonymous said...

I love this poem. It's beautiful. Keep writing lady, you are full of talent!