The beauty of your workmanship tends to my tired spirit.
I am refreshed in the shadow of your creation.
I need to find you now, O God,
For i have not amongst the noise and chaos of life.
And if i can not find you in the majesty of the mountains,
The vastness of the waters, the blueness of the sky,
Then where are you to be found?
Where are you to be found?
I did not hear you in the violent thunder,
Nor the shaking of earth's foundations.
Come now in the gentle whisper of the wind.
Let me breathe in your strength and life.
If you are to be found,
Then open my deaf ears.
I want to listen.
Help me to hear.
And if i can not find you in the majesty of the mountains,
The vastness of the waters, the blueness of the sky,
Then where are you to be found?
Where are you to be found?
This is my favorite part. I think good poetry has a way of expressing what I've felt but haven't known how to say. So when I read it, I think, "That's it! That resonates with me."
OK, I just read that back in my head and it sounds really selfish. "Poetry can only be good if I resonate with it..."
Anyway, this psalm just seems to collect the rough thoughts and feelings bouncing around inside me and beautify, unify them.
Thank you.
The question I have though is how do we find God in the paper work, in the dishes or in returning phone calls? I'm OK at hearing from God in the mountains (no applause necessary) but ... ya know?
yeah, i do know.
that's sorta what i meant by "amongst the noise and chaos of life"
and thank you for the nice comments too
No, Justin, I think that is why we all like poetry: because we can resonate with it and because the author is articulating what we are already thinking.
We can also use it to know how the author is feeling (even if it is not something we relate to), though, so...
Ray-ray, this is a very, very good poem. I am impressed with how well you write and how clearly you express the things you are going through.
I think the first two lines are my favourite part.
Thanks ash-a-bee.
You do love me!
See, now I'm inclined not to comment on your blog anymore because I feel like I am reinforcing your belief in conditional love.
I wish He could be found in the hearts and actions of His followers but often He is not. I feel guilty about this. I hope and pray that His church reaches out to learn and experience who He is. I pray for you and Justin often. May the peace and grace of Christ find you where you are. He is beautiful.
Thanks Brian. I have repetitively been encouraged by your comments and perspective. Thank you for your kind heart and prayers.
Mountain Mama,
I decided to post a comment and tell you that I am so glad you are writing!! God is the ultimate creator and we are made in his likeness, that's why we feel close to God when we create, whether that is painting, music, writing, baking, cooking, and yes scrapbooking. We are imitating our creator by creating and that draws us close to him and feeds our soul. Sometimes what we create is for him alone, and sometimes it is to share with others (which is scary). So I hope that you keep writing as I believe God is calling you to that. Luvs.
P.s. I have a book you should read called "The Artists way" it will encourage you to connect with God and yourself through creating art(your poetry)
Thanks Linds!
I love you.
p.s. Good luck on your first day of school!
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