Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Two One-Things

Several people recently have suggested to me to find one thing a day that makes me happy, so i thought fine, as cheesy and ridiculously psychobabbly as that sounds i'll give it a whirl. And yesterday i really needed one and i am thrilled to tell you about it.
#1 It all started last week on the bus for a field trip with the Raleigh Hills second graders. I sat next to a new mom that i hadn't met before and we started chatting. In the course of conversation i mentioned playing ball with some of the faculty at the school on Wednesdays (i observed her height earlier) and she asked if i played in high school or college. I told her i played for a couple years at a little school in salem called Corban College/Western Baptist, to which she responded,"Oh, do you know Rosey Pankey?" To which i replied "Yes. She was my roommate!" Anyway, turns out she played against Rosey in High School and she is married to Eric Estep (i knew that last name was familiar) who also played at my college and her brother-in-law, Brandon, played on the Men's team the same time i was there. So we know a lot of the same people AND they go to Beaverton Foursquare and used to live right by our friends the Starpolis and Sierra's friend Julia (who's mom she is in a bible study group with).
Which brings me to yesterday when she showed up to play basketball with us and she is AWESOME and it was so so much fun to play with her, even if we were on different teams and she TOTALLY stuffed one of my shots (which Rosey also used to do) (I will choose to forgive her this time) AND the best part is she said her sister-in-law would totally love to play with us to which would mean we could play boys against girls and totally kick thier asses, which is really what i am all about.
In conclusion, i have a new friend and she is nice and pretty and loves God and has a second grade son and wants to play basketball with me and i don't have to work hard for that to make me happy.

#2 So most of you know one of my favorite charities is Northwest Children's Outreach and i never stop singing it's praises. Well today my friend Holly, who hosts a wednesday segment called the IT Moms on Fox12's Good Day Oregon, came with her camera crew and filmed the whole segment at the warehouse and it's going to be on in a couple weeks, as well as syndicated on ten other stations across the country (and maybe the web-not for sure on that). And i let my kids skip school and come, and ella was recorded doing very ella-ish things and so hopefully it turns out really cute, but most importantly imagine how this will get out the word for NCO. AND they showed up with a whole car full of diapers which we almost never have enough of. We were very very super thrilled.

So there is Wednesday and today. And we'll see what i can come up with for tomorrow.


rachel said...

and if i'm allowed a twofer- Scrubs starts tonight too

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it feels good to look at the "bright" side of things! That is fun when you find a new friend with that kind of connection. My friend Lisa, who I met when Andrew was in preschool, recognized my name from about 10 years ago when I worked at Micron in Boise and she was working here at a company that administrated our training classes!

Angie said...

I am happy for you and NCO.